A MICRONÉSIA EXISTE – texto publicado BOM DIA, edição de 01/05/2010
A Micronésia é um país esquisito. É uma nação que não tem opinião própria, pois aqueles que estão nos seus mais importantes cargos preferem seguir os ditames de uma nação maior a lhe ditar normas e
condutas. É, na acepção da palavra, uma “maria vai com as outras”. E escolheram seguir os preceitos recomendados pelos Estados Unidos da América. Não comercializam nem seus próprios produtos sem consultarem a opinião desse abalizado consultor. A classe dominante daquele país (dizem que um gigante adormecido) e seus asseclas batem palmas. O povo inerte assiste a tudo meio que amortecido por drogas vistas na TV e em púlpitos variados. Bestificados nada conseguem fazer. Estão envolvidos com um problema maior que isso tudo, o galã da novela das oito vai largar a namorada porque a mãe não a aceita. A enviada do Olimpo, Hillary Clinton, representando o país condutor esteve por lá dia desses e lhes indicou algo sobre o caminho do bem. Disse que aquele país até seguia no caminho certo, porém como estava para receber um presidente vizinho, o Chávez, da Venezuela, foi recomendado em alto e bom som, que esse além de não ser confiável, deveria ser repudiado. Veio dizer isso do vizinho da Micronésia, pregando a discórdia e a inimizade entre irmãos. Pelo visto a Micronésia repudiará Chávez, pois não conseguem enxergar que o que os “irmãos do Norte” são bons mesmo é em pregar a desunião entre os de sua influência, para dessa forma, dominar melhor. É histórico isso, sempre fez parte do processo entre dominado e dominador. O Brasil na era FHC agia pior que a Micronésia.
A MICRONÉSIA E A IMPRENSA – texto publicado BOM DIA, edição de 08/05/2010
Fui escrever aqui sobre uma hipotética Micronésia e sou cobrado na rua sobre sua existência. Confirmo, afinal ela está no meio de nós, os ditos democráticos. Cutucamos o erro alheio e não enxergamos os nossos, tão ou mais escabrosos aos denunciados. Volto de uma viagem à Vitória
ES e de lá trago algo nesse sentido. Um jornalão local reproduz a coluna semanal do jornalista Elio Gaspari. Ela não circula justamente na semana em que ele criticava algo ocorrido naquele estado. Cobrados, os diretores do jornal respondem ter ocorrido uma falha, ela não foi recepcionada em tempo de ser publicada. Isso é coisa que ainda só achava ser possível na Micronésia, mas resiste e persiste por aqui. Outro fato é o que vi no último dia 03/05, Dia Mundial da Liberdade de Imprensa. A ANJ – Associação Nacional de Jornais reproduz nos jornais associados um imenso anúncio com os dizeres: “Liberdade de Imprensa, por alguém que vive num país sem liberdade de imprensa”. E lá uma fala tendenciosa da blogueira cubana Yoani Sánches, no velho estilo de expor algo, sem mostrar o outro lado da questão. No dia seguinte vou ao lançamento de um livro sobre o dramaturgo Plínio Marcos e lá cobro de um famoso articulista de jornal da terrinha se ele escreve sem autocensura, as limitações do veículo onde atua. “Todos fazem isso. Nossa liberdade é limitada, ninguém escreve mais nada com total liberdade. Imagine eu escrever algo negativo envolvendo a empresa do dono do jornal”, diz. Falar de Cuba é fácil, enxergar o próprio umbigo é outra coisa. Mais Micronésia impossível.
A Micronésia é um país esquisito. É uma nação que não tem opinião própria, pois aqueles que estão nos seus mais importantes cargos preferem seguir os ditames de uma nação maior a lhe ditar normas e

A MICRONÉSIA E A IMPRENSA – texto publicado BOM DIA, edição de 08/05/2010
Fui escrever aqui sobre uma hipotética Micronésia e sou cobrado na rua sobre sua existência. Confirmo, afinal ela está no meio de nós, os ditos democráticos. Cutucamos o erro alheio e não enxergamos os nossos, tão ou mais escabrosos aos denunciados. Volto de uma viagem à Vitória

PS.: As duas ilustrações, a lá de cima é do Ares e a de baixo, do Millor, ambas giletadas da internet.
OBS.: Algo sobre a Micronésia e seu criador (ou divulgador, sei lá!).
Estive em Vitória ES, de 27 a 30/04 e fã de rádio, sintonizei num programa apresentado na Universitária FM (http://www.universitariafm.com.br/ ), de segunda a sexta, das 11 às 12h, o “Ponto de Vista”, do radialista Nami Chequer, também vereador pelo PC do B. Já tinha lido sobre o programa no site Vermelho (nem toda mídia é marrom – http://www.vermelho.com.br/ ) e ao ouvir as contundentes opiniões do Nami, notei que estavam muito próximas das minhas. Ele não aceita essa submissão brasileira aos EUA (“a imprensa brasileira é o maior dinossauro solto dentro do Brasil. Eles e a elite. O maniqueísmo deles é assim: sendo amigos dos americanos tudo bem, o contrário, pau nele. O mundo não é
mais assim” – ouvido em 06/05), o boicote à Cuba, que falem mal de Chávez, Correia e Morales. Bateu uma empatia. Que falta faz um programa de rádio nesse estilo em Bauru (por lá ele também é unico). Tentei até achar a rádio para conhecê-lo pessoalmente, mas cheguei meia hora depois de encerrado o programa. Ele brinca muito com esse negócio da Micronésia, um hipotético país que vive submisso e sem opinião própria. Comprei a idéia e lhe presto uma homenagem com esses
meus dois textos. Explico aqui o motivo do plágio. Em certos momentos é salutar ironizar para se fazer entender e para melhor passar a mensagem. Comunico a ele meu procedimento e digo também, que sempre que puder, estarei a ouvi-lo aqui da distante Bauru. Em tempo: tanto lá como cá, a única rádio onde ouvi MPB de qualidade foi na de universidades, lá mantida pela UFES -Universidade Federal de Vitória, aqui pela UNESP e USC. No último dia que escutei seu programa, encerrou com algo assim: “A gente volta amanhã com o coração quente e a cabeça fria”. Por minha causa, a Micronésia do Nami acabou aportando aqui em Bauru.



Algo mais de Vitória. Assisti por lá, em 30/04, no único cinema de filmes de arte e cult daquela cidade, o Metrópolis, também dentro do
campus da UFES, ao último filme do Sérgio Bianchi, "Os Inquilinos" (um soco no estômago, como todos seus filmes) e na saída algo inusitado, presenciado de camarote. O lançamento na sessão seguinte de um documentário, o "Geração Gota D'Água", retratando o movimento estudantil capixaba nos anos 70, ocorrido ali dentro do campus da UFES, conhecido pelo caráter constestador contra a ditadura
militar e os desmandos sociais da época. Dentre os líderes estudantis, Paulo Hartung, hoje governador do estado. Numa imensa fila, conheci de vista gente de toda uma geração, reencontrando-se ali e com papos do tipo: "Por onde tu anda? Puxa, faz mais de 20 anos que não te vejo". Transportei-me para minha Bauru e penso que o mesmo poderia ser feito por aqui. Retratar esse período é contar parte de nossa história, ainda pouco conhecida. Mais interessante ainda seria rever essas pessoas, o que faziam na época e onde estão localizadas hoje. Mudaram de lado ou continuam na luta? O melhor de um documentário desse tipo é resgatar isso. Fica a idéia para os do lado de cá. Da fala do diretor extrai algo: "Nos dias atuais, há uma espécie de letargia da classe estudantil. Ninguém vai para as ruas protestar. O sentimento de rebeldia com causa foi anulado, infelizmente". Rapidamente cai o pano. Está feita a homenagem.


71 comentários:
Henrique, como é real a fala do diretor:"Nos dias atuais, há uma espécie de letargia da classe estudantil. Ninguém vai para as ruas protestar" Que fim levou "O sentimento de rebeldia com causa"? Dói saber e sentir que "foi anulado, infelizmente"!!!Quem sabe possa ser dispertado através de pessoas como você que ainda luta, busca, informa e acredita! Continue nessa batalha! Iraci
como diz mesmo a sua mãe: você fica fuçando as coisas. o bonito é que você traz de volta pra este lugar que você tanto ama - bauru. assim, eu - como tantas outras pessoas, forasteiras ou não - conheço melhor este lugar.
ana bia
Novos vídeos no Youtube:
O vereador e jornalista Namy Chequer recebe homenagem no Dia do Jornalista:
Audiência Publica sobre o Turismo em Vitória:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PhGHg_V7jD8 (parte 1)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KjkIxz3bheQ (parte 2)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tg7c01tD1qA (parte 3)
Veja também:
Conferência Estadual de CT & I:
Namy Chequer recebe Neguinho da Beija Flor:
Namy Chequer PC do B:
Namy Chequer PC do B- Parte 2:
Marcos Pontes e Namy Chequer:
Namy Chequer entrevista Viviane Mosé:
Namy entrevista Viviane Mosé:
Namy Chequer cobra mudanças da Vale:
Lei Municipal de Inovação:
Luis Fernandes e a Lei Municipal de Inovação:
Debate sobre aprovação da Lei Municipal de Inovação:
Presidente da FINEP fala sobre Lei Municipal de Inovação:
100 anos de CEFETS atual IFES:
100 anos de CEFETS atual IFES:
Debate da Cultura em Vitória:
Vereador Namy Chequer
Olá Henrique! Sou aqui de Vitória e li alguns posts seus, muito bons!!
Este particularmente, está ótimo, mas acho que vc cometeu um pequeno ato falho. A "micronésia" realmente existe! (Estados Federados da Micronésia)Um conjunto de ilhas localizadas ali perto da Indonésia, Filipinas, etc...
O lugar criado pelo Namy é a "Maionésia". Escuto o programa dele faz anos. Inclusive qdo ele falou sobre o seu blog eu estava ouvindo.
Resolvi te escrever falando disto pq achei relevante. Desculpa se pareço intrometida. Mas gostei tanto do texto que quis mandar para algumas pessoas, mas tive que copiar e colar para corrigir as várias vezes que estava escrito "Micronésia". Parabéns pelo seu blog, gostei muito e vou ler sempre. Estou seguindo já! Um abraço!
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There is minimal paper operate needed on the portion of borrower.
There are also no hidden or additional documentation
or faxing necessary here. Applying for these loans is also highly handy.
Men and women just call for filling an on-line form and when this gets authorized cash is received within 24 hours time frame.
These loans are commonly provided beneath practical terms and
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These are basically short term loans that do present you
meet your fiscal challenges inside a desired specific time period.
Thinking about time limitations these loans are especially designed above an obligation free
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free from credential checksums. Matters such as defaults, arrears, bankruptcy, CCJs and
even IVAs are not regarded right here. Further, there are also no collaterals
linked with these loans. There is minimal paper operate expected on the element of borrower.
There are also no hidden or added documentation or faxing needed here.
Applying for these loans is also extremely handy. People
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money is received within 24 hours time frame. These loans are usually provided beneath convenient terms
and circumstances. The common standard applicant criteria right here is that they need to be a UK resident
and of 18 years of age.
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These are essentially short term loans that do supply you meet your fiscal matters inside a preferred
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% free platform. As such, these are kept entirely free from credential checksums. Problems such as defaults, arrears, bankruptcy, CCJs and even IVAs are not deemed right here. Additional, there are also no collaterals associated with these loans. There is minimal paper operate required on the element of borrower. There are also no hidden or added documentation or faxing expected right here. Applying for these loans is also highly practical. Consumers basically call for filling an on the net form and once this gets authorized cash is received within 24 hours time frame. These loans are commonly offered beneath handy terms and conditions. The common basic applicant criteria right here is that they must be a UK resident and of 18 years of age.
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These are generally short term loans that do produce you meet your fiscal troubles
inside a desired certain time period. Thinking about time limitations these loans are particularly
designed above an obligation 100 % free platform. As such, these are kept totally free from credential checksums. Troubles such as defaults, arrears, bankruptcy, CCJs and even IVAs are not regarded here. Further, there are also no collaterals associated with these loans. There is minimal paper function required on the part of borrower. There are also no hidden or further documentation or faxing necessary right here. Applying for these loans is also rather practical. Individuals just call for filling an on the net form and when this gets approved cash is received inside 24 hours time frame. These loans are commonly supplied under hassle-free terms and conditions. The general fundamental applicant criteria right here is that they should really be a UK resident and of 18 years of age.
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These are generally brief term loans that do
offer you meet your fiscal matters inside a preferred particular time period.
Thinking about time limitations these loans are particularly created above an obligation zero cost platform.
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Matters such as defaults, arrears, bankruptcy, CCJs and even
IVAs are not viewed as here. Additional, there are also
no collaterals related with these loans. There is minimal paper work expected on the element of borrower.
There are also no hidden or further documentation
or faxing needed here. Applying for these loans
is also highly hassle-free. Many people simply demand filling an over the
internet form and once this gets authorized cash is received within 24 hours time frame.
These loans are often provided below handy terms and circumstances.
The basic simple applicant criteria here is that they should
be a UK resident and of 18 years of age.
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These are basically short phrase loans that do provide you meet your fiscal troubles within a desired specific
time period. Thinking about time limitations these loans are especially developed above an obligation absolutely
free platform. As such, these are kept absolutely totally free from credential checksums.
Concerns such as defaults, arrears, bankruptcy, CCJs and even IVAs are not thought to
be here. Additional, there are also no collaterals connected
with these loans. There is minimal paper perform required on the aspect of
borrower. There are also no hidden or additional documentation
or faxing needed here. Applying for these loans is
also extremely practical. People merely demand filling an online type and once this gets approved money
is received within 24 hours time frame. These loans are commonly
provided below hassle-free terms and conditions. The basic fundamental applicant criteria
right here is that they ought to be a UK resident and
of 18 years of age.
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These are fundamentally short term loans
that do offer you meet your fiscal matters inside a preferred
certain time period. Contemplating time limitations these loans are especially made above an obligation free platform.
As such, these are kept completely zero cost from credential checksums.
Concerns such as defaults, arrears, bankruptcy, CCJs and even
IVAs are not thought to be here. Further, there are also no collaterals related with these
loans. There is minimal paper function required on the
element of borrower. There are also no hidden or extra documentation or faxing
expected right here. Applying for these loans is also extremely handy.
Folks only need filling an on the web type and as soon as this
gets approved cash is received within 24 hours time
frame. These loans are generally offered below
hassle-free terms and situations. The general basic applicant criteria right here is that they will
need to be a UK resident and of 18 years of age.
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These are essentially brief phrase loans that do
supply you meet your fiscal concerns within a preferred precise time period.
Contemplating time limitations these loans are especially developed
above an obligation cost-free platform. As such, these are kept fully cost-free
from credential checksums. Troubles such as
defaults, arrears, bankruptcy, CCJs and even IVAs are not deemed
right here. Further, there are also no collaterals related
with these loans. There is minimal paper function expected on the portion of borrower.
There are also no hidden or added documentation or faxing essential
here. Applying for these loans is also rather convenient.
Persons merely demand filling an over the internet form and as soon as this gets approved cash
is received inside 24 hours time frame. These loans are usually supplied under convenient terms and
situations. The general fundamental applicant criteria here is that they should certainly be
a UK resident and of 18 years of age.
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These are fundamentally short phrase loans that do give you meet your fiscal troubles inside a preferred particular time period.
Thinking about time limitations these loans are especially developed above an obligation zero cost platform.
As such, these are kept completely absolutely free from credential checksums.
Problems such as defaults, arrears, bankruptcy, CCJs
and even IVAs are not deemed right here.
Further, there are also no collaterals associated with these loans.
There is minimal paper operate required on the component of borrower.
There are also no hidden or added documentation or faxing
needed here. Applying for these loans is also really hassle-free.
Persons merely call for filling an on the internet type and as soon as this gets
authorized cash is received inside 24 hours
time frame. These loans are normally supplied under handy terms
and situations. The common fundamental applicant criteria
right here is that they should really be a UK resident and of
18 years of age.
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These are basically short term loans that do
deliver you meet your fiscal matters inside a desired distinct time period.
Thinking about time limitations these loans are specifically created above an obligation totally free platform.
As such, these are kept totally 100 % free from credential checksums. Challenges such as defaults, arrears, bankruptcy, CCJs and even IVAs are not considered here. Further, there are also no collaterals related with these loans. There is minimal paper function needed on the portion of borrower. There are also no hidden or further documentation or faxing required right here. Applying for these loans is also quite handy. Consumers only require filling an via the internet form and as soon as this gets approved money is received within 24 hours time frame. These loans are frequently offered below handy terms and situations. The common standard applicant criteria here is that they really should be a UK resident and of 18 years of age.
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These are generally short phrase loans that do supply
you meet your fiscal matters inside a preferred precise time
period. Thinking of time limitations these loans are particularly
intended above an obligation totally free platform. As such, these are kept completely totally
free from credential checksums. Difficulties such as defaults, arrears,
bankruptcy, CCJs and even IVAs are not considered here.
Further, there are also no collaterals related with these loans.
There is minimal paper operate essential on the portion of borrower.
There are also no hidden or extra documentation or faxing needed here.
Applying for these loans is also rather hassle-free.
Many people just need filling an internet form
and once this gets approved money is received inside 24 hours time frame.
These loans are usually provided below practical terms and conditions.
The basic basic applicant criteria right here is that they should
really be a UK resident and of 18 years of age.
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These are basically brief term loans that do present you meet your fiscal concerns
inside a preferred distinct time period. Thinking of time limitations these loans are particularly designed above an obligation free platform.
As such, these are kept fully free from credential checksums.
Troubles such as defaults, arrears, bankruptcy, CCJs and even IVAs are not
considered right here. Further, there are also no collaterals linked with these loans.
There is minimal paper work needed on the portion of borrower.
There are also no hidden or extra documentation or
faxing needed right here. Applying for these loans is also highly practical.
Individuals basically require filling an online type and
as soon as this gets authorized money is received within 24 hours time frame.
These loans are frequently provided below convenient terms and conditions.
The basic basic applicant criteria right here is that
they ought to be a UK resident and of 18 years of age.
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These are generally brief phrase loans that do deliver you meet your fiscal challenges inside a preferred precise time period.
Thinking about time limitations these loans are particularly created above an obligation zero cost platform.
As such, these are kept totally no cost from credential checksums.
Challenges such as defaults, arrears, bankruptcy,
CCJs and even IVAs are not deemed right here. Further, there are also no collaterals associated
with these loans. There is minimal paper operate expected on the part of
borrower. There are also no hidden or further documentation or faxing expected right here.
Applying for these loans is also highly convenient. Men and women basically demand filling an on the web form
and once this gets authorized cash is received inside 24 hours time frame.
These loans are frequently provided beneath handy terms and situations.
The common standard applicant criteria right here is that
they need to be a UK resident and of 18 years of age.
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These are generally brief term loans that do deliver you meet your fiscal
challenges within a preferred precise time period.
Thinking about time limitations these loans are particularly intended above an obligation zero cost platform.
As such, these are kept fully absolutely free from credential checksums.
Troubles such as defaults, arrears, bankruptcy, CCJs and even IVAs are not thought to be here.
Additional, there are also no collaterals related with these loans.
There is minimal paper function expected on the component of borrower.
There are also no hidden or added documentation or faxing necessary here.
Applying for these loans is also especially handy.
Persons merely require filling an online form and when this gets approved money is
received within 24 hours time frame. These loans are typically offered
beneath convenient terms and situations. The general fundamental applicant criteria here is
that they should certainly be a UK resident and of 18 years of age.
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These are generally short phrase loans that do supply you meet
your fiscal challenges inside a preferred specific time period.
Considering time limitations these loans are particularly
intended above an obligation 100 % free platform. As such, these are kept fully cost-free from credential checksums. Matters such as defaults, arrears, bankruptcy, CCJs and even IVAs are not regarded as right here. Further, there are also no collaterals related with these loans. There is minimal paper operate required on the aspect of borrower. There are also no hidden or extra documentation or faxing essential right here. Applying for these loans is also very handy. Many people only demand filling an online type and once this gets authorized cash is received within 24 hours time frame. These loans are frequently supplied below hassle-free terms and circumstances. The common basic applicant criteria here is that they need to be a UK resident and of 18 years of age.
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These are fundamentally brief phrase loans
that do produce you meet your fiscal problems inside a preferred specific time
period. Taking into consideration time limitations these loans
are specifically designed above an obligation cost-free platform.
As such, these are kept absolutely no cost from credential checksums.
Problems such as defaults, arrears, bankruptcy, CCJs and
even IVAs are not viewed as right here. Further, there are
also no collaterals associated with these loans.
There is minimal paper work needed on the portion of borrower.
There are also no hidden or added documentation or faxing essential here.
Applying for these loans is also rather practical.
Men and women simply need filling an on-line type and once this gets approved cash is received
inside 24 hours time frame. These loans are in general supplied
under practical terms and conditions. The basic basic applicant criteria right here is that
they need to be a UK resident and of 18 years of age.
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These are fundamentally short phrase loans that do provide
you meet your fiscal challenges within a desired precise time period.
Contemplating time limitations these loans are especially created above an obligation absolutely free platform.
As such, these are kept totally cost-free from credential checksums.
Difficulties such as defaults, arrears, bankruptcy, CCJs and even IVAs
are not viewed as here. Additional, there are also no collaterals linked with these
loans. There is minimal paper work necessary on the aspect of borrower.
There are also no hidden or further documentation
or faxing expected here. Applying for these loans is also especially practical.
Consumers merely need filling an on-line form and as soon as this gets authorized money
is received within 24 hours time frame. These loans are often
provided beneath practical terms and conditions.
The common standard applicant criteria right here is that they will need to
be a UK resident and of 18 years of age.
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These are generally brief term loans that
do supply you meet your fiscal issues inside a preferred distinct time period.
Considering time limitations these loans are especially made above an obligation cost-free platform.
As such, these are kept fully zero cost from credential checksums.
Issues such as defaults, arrears, bankruptcy, CCJs and even IVAs are
not thought to be here. Further, there are also
no collaterals linked with these loans. There is minimal paper operate essential on the
aspect of borrower. There are also no hidden or added documentation or faxing essential here.
Applying for these loans is also incredibly handy.
Individuals just call for filling an via the internet type and when this gets
approved money is received inside 24 hours time frame.
These loans are in general provided under practical terms and circumstances.
The common basic applicant criteria right here is that they should
really be a UK resident and of 18 years of age.
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These are basically brief phrase loans that do give you meet your fiscal difficulties inside a preferred certain time period.
Thinking about time limitations these loans are specifically created above an obligation cost-free platform.
As such, these are kept entirely absolutely free from credential checksums.
Troubles such as defaults, arrears, bankruptcy, CCJs and even IVAs are not viewed as
right here. Further, there are also no collaterals linked
with these loans. There is minimal paper operate needed on the
element of borrower. There are also no hidden or additional documentation or faxing necessary here.
Applying for these loans is also especially convenient.
Many people simply call for filling an via
the internet form and once this gets authorized
cash is received within 24 hours time frame. These loans are generally offered
beneath handy terms and situations. The basic simple applicant criteria here is that they should certainly be a
UK resident and of 18 years of age.
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These are basically brief term loans that do present you meet
your fiscal challenges within a preferred certain time period.
Considering time limitations these loans are specifically
made above an obligation cost-free platform.
As such, these are kept absolutely free from credential
checksums. Troubles such as defaults, arrears, bankruptcy, CCJs and even IVAs are
not viewed as here. Further, there are also no collaterals related with
these loans. There is minimal paper operate expected on the portion of borrower.
There are also no hidden or added documentation or faxing
required here. Applying for these loans is also extremely convenient.
Individuals merely require filling an on the web type and as soon as this gets approved cash is received inside 24 hours time frame.
These loans are in general offered under practical terms and circumstances.
The common fundamental applicant criteria here is that they should
be a UK resident and of 18 years of age.
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These are essentially brief term loans that do deliver you meet your fiscal challenges
inside a preferred distinct time period. Thinking about
time limitations these loans are specifically designed above an
obligation 100 % free platform. As such, these are kept totally 100 % free from credential checksums.
Problems such as defaults, arrears, bankruptcy, CCJs and
even IVAs are not regarded here. Further, there are also no collaterals related with these loans.
There is minimal paper function necessary on the aspect of borrower.
There are also no hidden or additional documentation or faxing necessary right here.
Applying for these loans is also quite handy. Many people merely demand filling
an via the internet form and once this gets authorized money is received
within 24 hours time frame. These loans are normally supplied beneath handy terms and situations.
The general fundamental applicant criteria here is that they should certainly
be a UK resident and of 18 years of age.
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These are generally short term loans that do give
you meet your fiscal troubles within a desired precise time period.
Thinking about time limitations these loans are specifically made above
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